Sign up for your free tree today!
- Must be a Saanich resident
- One tree per household
- Trees are to be planted on private land not in municipal Parks or boulevard
- Giveaway trees are not to be counted as "replacement trees" for an active Tree Cutting Permit
Follow the link below to pre-register for your free tree. Please provide Your name, address, contact phone number, and the tree species you’d like to plant Limited quantities, so sign up today!
Pacific Serviceberry is a deciduous shrub or small tree growing 25'. White flowers in the early spring give way to dark purple pomme fruits in summer. These berries are enjoyed by both wildlife and people, and the fruits can be eaten fresh or dried. They adapt well, but heavy clay and wet soils should be avoided.
Black Hawthorns a small tree growing to about 25’ that have white showy flowers in clusters in early spring, but they also don sharp thorns, about 3 cm long. Their leaves are thick and leathery and the black drupe fruit forms in the summer and provide food for birds in the winter. They grow best in full sun conditions.
Shore Pine is an evergreen tree which grows to a height of 50’ in a somewhat sprawling and irregular form. This native conifer grows along the Pacific Ocean shorelines. Shore Pine is highly adaptable to many soil conditions, wet or dry.
Garry Oak is a slow growing native tree reaching up to 80' with an open spreading canopy. The acorns are consumed by local wildlife, and in undisturbed sites many native wildflowers can be found in their surrounding ecosystem. This is an extremely drought tolerant tree.
Pacific crab apple is a small tree growing to 30' tall. Spring blooms have an apple-blossom scent and appear in clusters in the early season. Pacific crab apple grows along the British Columbia coast and do best in areas with moist soils.
Trees will be handed out on National Tree Day - Wednesday Sept 20, 2023 in the Glanford Park parking lot, between 11am and 1pm. Parks staff will be onsite to provide trees to pre-registered Saanich residents and provide tree planting and aftercare information. A reminder will go out to all pre-registered participants in early September about the tree pick up details.