Progress Reports

Climate Action Progress Reports

Climate Plan Report Card

The Climate Plan: 100% Renewable and Resilient Saanich, adopted in January 2020, includes a commitment to annual progress reporting. We will be monitoring our progress on climate action and presenting this annually to Council in the form of a Climate Action Report Card.

Provincial Reporting

Each yearsince 2010, Saanich has reported on corporate (District operations) GHG emissions to the B.C. Government. From 2010 - 2020, Saanich reported through the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP). As of 2022, the District reports through the Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP). 

CDP and Global Covenant of Mayors Reporting

The District joins cities around the world committing to climate action and transparent disclosure of climate action progress. Learn more about the CDP Cities and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. 2020 was the first year Saanich reported publicly, and was rated as an "A list" city through CDP in 20202021, and 2022 and an A- score in 2023. 

Saanich is also in compliance with the requirements for the Global Covenant of Mayors for 2023. 

Community GHG Inventories

The District produces community greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories using the Global Protocol for Communities Basic + methodology and the BCIT ecoFootprint methodology. 

 Partners for Climate Protection

Saanich has achieved Milestone 5, the highest milestone in the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program. The PCP program is a partnership between ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada


Progress on 2010 Climate Action Plan and 2011 Climate Adaptation Plan

We’ve made strides with many of the targets we set in previous Climate Plans. That said, we still have much more to do. Contact us for previous progress reports. 

Visit the Climate Plan page for more information on climate action moving forwards.