McKenzie Avenue – Borden Street to Cedar Hill Road Protected Bike Lanes Project

What’s happening?

The District of Saanich is preparing to install flexible bollard posts in the existing buffered bike lanes on McKenzie Avenue between Borden Street and Cedar Hill Road during the months of October and November. This is an important corridor for safety improvements as it is a particularly vulnerable area for people using active transportation. Flexible bollard posts will complete the bike lane protection that is already in place.

Why are we doing this?

The District of Saanich recently embarked on the construction of several rapid implementation or “quick build” projects following direction from Council and the Active Transportation Advisory Committee in the spring of 2022. The construction of protected bike lanes using modular concrete curbs is one such project utilizing the principles of rapid implementation. The curbs offer greater protection to people using active transportation by providing physical separation of the bike lane from motor vehicle traffic and an additional buffer for pedestrians.

Benefits of protected bike lanes

Protected bike lanes:

  • designate space for all road users;
  • increase the comfort of cyclists and encourage cycling among new and less confident cyclists;
  • place cyclists in a predictable space on the roadway;
  • keep vehicles out of the bike lanes (prevent the ability to park or pull over);
  • promote safety for pedestrians by providing additional separation from the roadway.

Project location