Gorge Road Storm Drain & Transportation Upgrade Project

Project Update – November 24, 2023

Bike Lanes

The District of Saanich is going to install concrete barrier curbs along the new bike lanes to offer more protection to people using active transportation.

Construction is anticipated to occur during the week of December 4, 2023. Throughout the construction period, you can expect crews and equipment to be on site between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Single alternating traffic will be in effect with minor delays. The District of Saanich will try to minimize inconvenience as much as possible.

Traffic control personnel and signage will be in place to help direct vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians safely through the work area. We kindly ask that you obey all directions from traffic control personnel.

Benefits of protected bike lanes:

  • designate space for all road users
  • increase the comfort of cyclists and encourage cycling among new and less confident cyclists
  • place cyclists in a predictable space on the roadway
  • keep vehicles out of the bike lanes (prevent the ability to park or pull over)
  • promote safety for pedestrians by providing additional separation from the roadway

View the Project Location [PDF - 441 KB]

Project Update – November 8, 2023

What’s happening now?

Saanich’s contractor, Hazelwood Construction Services has completed all the storm drain works as well as most of the sidewalk and transportation improvements on Gorge Project.  The remaining works include the sidewalk drop on the westside of Admirals and a section of sidewalk near 402 Gorge.  There have been some engineering difficulties with these sections, however they should be completed in the very near future.

Bike Lanes

The bike lanes are now open; however, we are awaiting the concrete barrier separators which will replace the temporary plastic traffic pylons you see out there currently. The concrete barriers are scheduled to be installed in late November.

Admirals Road at Gorge Road West Intersection Upgrades

As part of the project, we are completing upgrades to the Admirals Road at Gorge Road intersection. Updates to the intersection were included to improve the intersection for pedestrians and cyclists using the new cycling lanes Gorge Road West. These updates include upgraded intersection equipment, a new crosswalk on the west side of the intersection, and changes to the traffic signal timing. These updates will help to facilitate improved pedestrian and cycling connections between Craigflower-Kosapsom Park and the new cycling facilities on Gorge Road West and Craigflower Elementary School and the north side of Admirals Road. The changes to the traffic signal timing will provide dedicated time to pedestrian and cycling movements crossing Admirals Road to reduce potential conflicts between vehicles and vulnerable users.


BC Transit intends to re initiate bus service along this section of Gorge starting in early September.  Contact BC Transit for more details.

Construction Impacts

There should be a significant reduction in construction impacts as Hazelwood finishes up the final remaining works.

We thank you for your patience during the last year of construction activities in the area.