Saanich Ecosystem Mapping

Between 2011 and 2014, Saanich completed the ESA Mapping Initiative to increase the inventory of habitat in our municipality. This information will appear in the ESA Atlas as the Saanich Ecosystem Inventory. 

How did we decide what to map?

  • A Technical Advisory Committee was established.
  • It included members from the federal, provincial and local government, as well as the Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team.
  • They developed priorities and criteria for evaluating new ESAs.
  • The public suggested sites they believe we should include in the Atlas to Saanich Environmental Services.
  • Our consultant researched additional sites to include.
  • Landowners gave the consultant permission to access their lands.
  • Our consultant assessed new sites on the ground and by aerial photograph.
  • Our consultant presented her methods and findings at public presentations

Where can I find more information?

Read the summary of the process and results

View an overall map of Phase 1, 2, and 3 sites

Consultant reports under consideration: