Step Two: Lead To Succeed

Prerequisite: Must have completed Step One: Learn to Lead Summer 2023

Application Required: Yes

Interview Required: Yes

Resume Required Upon Interview: Yes

Cost: FREE

Honorarium: $600.00 cheque upon successful completion.

Commitment: Four Weeks

Time: 8:45am to 4:15pm Monday To Friday

Months Running: July and August

Mandatory Training Dates:
June 5, from 5:30 to 8:30pm.
July 2, 3 ,4, 5, from 10:00am to 3:00pm

Placement Locations: Copley Park West, Marigold Park, Meadow Park, Reynolds Park, Horner Park, Maynard Park, Saanich Commonwealth Place and Gordon Head Recreation Centre.

Youth Professional Email Required: Yes – Why is this required? Please read below

Youth Independent Communication Required: Yes – Why is this required? Please read below

Helping youth in our community prepare for their future is something Saanich Youth Services has the privilege of doing. Step Two: Lead to Succeed is an enhanced work experience placement that is an evolution of the Learn to Lead program completed last summer. The reason that we require independent communication between the youth, and WYLD Program Coordinators is to prepare them for employment and post-secondary education.

When youth receive their first employment opportunity they will be communicating with the payroll and human resources departments alongside their supervisors. To ensure the privacy of all individuals, the employer will only communicate with the employee and not the parent/ guardian. Each Step Two: Lead to Succeed Applicant must create their own professional email. This dynamic helps youth gain confidence and clear understanding of professional written documentation. So, we begin this style of communication, now.

In appreciation for family’s busy schedules, we understand the appeal to have parents and guardians CC’d on emails. However, this removes the requirement for youth to initiate conversations about their schedules, and important info that needs to be relayed to parents. Stepping back from coordinating communication and schedules for your teen may feel uncomfortable at first.  However, there is so much learning in this concept for youth and we have seen it pay off greatly. We provide professional communication tips and tricks for all WYLD Leaders accepted into the program. We explain to youth that we understand texting is much easier, but most employers use email.  The fact that we have a relationship with every youth in this second step program means it’s far less intimidating, so what a great place to start.

For Step Two: Lead to Succeed, all communication must be written and sent through the WYLD Leaders email. Setting an alarm each day can be a helpful reminder to get in the habit of checking email and youth checking in with their parent/ guardian. By assisting behind the scenes, parents are still involved in the communication, but the official send and reply is coming from the WYLD Leader.

Experience Required: Must have completed at least two weeks of Step One: Learn To Lead Summer 2023. Our WYLD program coordinators will be looking to see how each WYLD Leader has developed over the school year. What leadership opportunities have you taken initiative on? Are you actively involved in extra-curricular activities, school leadership, community leadership, coach in training, referee programs, volunteering and babysitting? What did you learn from your previous WYLD Placement? What are you hoping to learn if accepted into Step Two: Lead to Succeed?

Get back in the action with our community and staff mentors. This program is the next step to becoming a day camp leader or working in recreation and community. Now is the chance to use all of the skills you learned last summer. Plan to take initiative to lead and play all of the best games, gain confidence in independently running activities with groups, and the important aspects of working in a team environment. This is a specific goal oriented, focused and enhanced paid work experience. Leadership coordinators and staff mentors will guide you through daily and weekly expectations in your curriculum workbook and help you achieve all that you set out to do. 

This program is one month long and can be completed consecutively or split into 4 different weeks. However, youth who complete this program in 4 consecutive weeks do gain a deeper understanding of the job in its entirety. Upon the completion of this program, successful leaders will receive an honorarium of $600.00