Parcel Tax Review Panel

In accordance with Section 204 of the Community Charter, a municipal council must establish a review panel to consider any complaints about the roll and to authenticate it. A person may make a complaint to the review panel regarding an error or omission concerning:

  • A name or address on the roll
  • The inclusion of a parcel on the roll
  • The taxable area or frontage of a parcel on the roll
  • A tax exemption being improperly allowed or disallowed on the roll.

The local government tax collector must send each owner a notice of the date for the sitting of the review panel.

For 2024, any complaints or errors must be submitted by 4 p.m., Friday, March 15. Contact Revenue Services at or calling 250-475-5454.

Council appointees to the Panel are:  Mayor Murdock and Councillors Chambers, Phelps Bondaroff and Westhaver.

Meeting Date Agendas Minutes Videos
2025 Parcel Tax Review Panel (tenatively March 20, 2025, if required)