Police Strategic Planning Consultant Services

Competition Number: RFP 22-008

Bid Title: Police Strategic Planning Consultant Services

Posted Date: March 22, 2022, 12:00am

Closing Date: April 19, 2022, 3:00pm

Last Modified: July 18, 2022, 2:04pm

Status: Awarded

Awarded: MNP LLP


Invitation to Request for Proposal: For “RFP 22-008 Police Strategic Planning Consultant Services” The Request for Proposal document has now been posted on Bonfire: https://saanich.bonfirehub.ca/portal/?tab=openOpportunities  

 Solicitation Number: RFP 22-008


 This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Corporation of the District of Saanich (the “District”) to prospective proponents to submit non-binding proposals for RFP 22-008 Police Strategic Planning Consultant Services (the “Project”),as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).

 The District is seeking proposals from qualified firms/individuals to provide strategic advisory services and professional consulting services to develop a comprehensive four-year Strategic Plan (the “Strategic Plan”) and implementation plan for the Saanich Police Department (“Saanich Police” ,“SPD” or the “Department”).

 The successful consultant (herein called “Consultant”) will have extensive strategic planning experience, including the ability to conduct all required research, perform community consultations and stakeholder engagement, coordinate and facilitate the planning process, and create a realistic strategic planning document that is clear, concise, actionable and measurable. Qualified Consultants should have a strong understanding of local government.

The responsibilities of the Consultant will include, but are not limited to:

a)    Project planning and management services;

b)    Develop strategic planning process and methodology;

c)    Design data collection instruments;

d)    Conduct comprehensive community engagement and stakeholder consultations;

e)    Data review, analysis and synthesis;

f)     Write the Saanich Police Strategic Plan;

g)    Create an implementation plan and reporting framework; and

h)    Submit and present Deliverables to Saanich Police Board and senior staff.

It is anticipated that the successful proponent will commence work right after the contract awarded, with a final report presented to the Steering Committee in September 2022 and to the Police Board by November 2022. The District expects the project will be completed by December 31, 2022.

Deadline for Questions:  April 8, 2022 at 3:00 PM PST

Closing Date:  Apr 19th 2022, 3:00 PM PST

The District uses a Bonfire portal for accepting and evaluating proposals digitally. Please contact Bonfire at Support@GoBonfire.com for technical questions related to your submission. You can also visit their help forum at https://bonfirehub.zendesk.com/hc


It is the sole responsibility of the Proponent to make sure they have addenda(s) before submitting their Proposal Response.

All awards and results will be posted on Bonfire as well as the Saanich website: http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/business/selling-to-saanich/bid-opportunities.html under “Selling to Saanich”, under “Bid Opportunities”. 

Contact Information:

Purchasing Services - purchase@saanich.ca
