Bridge Condition Inventory and Analysis

Competition Number: Q 12/21

Bid Title: Bridge Condition Inventory and Analysis

Posted Date: June 8, 2021, 12:00am

Closing Date: July 14, 2021, 3:00pm

Last Modified: August 25, 2021, 8:35am

Status: Awarded

Awarded: McElhanney Ltd.


Request for Quotation: For “RFQ 12/21 – Bridge Condition Inventory and Analysis”.

The Request for Quotation package is available at

This Request for Quotations (the “RFQ”) is an invitation by the Corporation of the District of Saanich (the “District”) to prospective respondents to submit non-binding quotations for Bridge Condition Inventory and Analysis, as further described in Section A of the RFQ Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).

The District is intending to select one qualified respondent or respondent team (the Consultant), experienced in structural engineering related to bridge inspection, condition assessment and repair design, to provide a Bridge Condition Inventory for the bridges owned and maintained by the District of Saanich.

The Consultant must employ or have access to the contracted services of a professional engineer or engineers licensed to practice in the province of British Columbia and noted to be in good standing with the professional association. It is required that the engineer oversee all inspection, design and planning undertaken on behalf of the District in this Contract and sign and seal all final deliverables.

The Consultant must appoint a contact person (and back-up) to receive and respond to the District’s assignments and questions. This person shall remain consistent throughout the duration of the term of this work and any necessary changes to the contact person are subject to the District’s approval.

The Consultant is expected to drive the assigned projects to meet established timelines. This will require the Consultant to be proactive in their project management approach, including but not limited to, regularly scheduled project meetings, conference calls and other means of communication to achieve the deadlines imposed.

Enquiries Deadline: July 7, 2021 at 3:00 P.M.

Closing Date:July 14, 2021 at 3:00 P.M.

Addendum Letter No. 1 has been posted on Bonfire, dated June 30, 2021

Addendum Letter No. 2 has been posted on Bonfire, dated July 8, 2021

The District uses a Bonfire portal for accepting and evaluating proposals digitally. Please contact Bonfire at for technical questions related to your submission. You can also visit their help forum at


It is the sole responsibility of the Proponent to make sure they have addenda(s) before submitting their Proposal Response.

All awards and results will be posted on Bonfire as well as the Saanich website: under “Selling to Saanich”, under “Bid Opportunities”.

Contact Information:
