Saanich evolves strategic and financial planning processes

January 10, 2019

Media release
For immediate release


Saanich, BC – Shaping Saanich, a new public education and engagement campaign from the District of Saanich, will ensure residents understand the elements of municipal decision making and the opportunities to participate. 

Saanich is more than 100 years old and has been shaped by the participation of many generations. Shaping Saanich is a long term commitment by Mayor and Council to offer opportunities for education and meaningful public input. 

During the 2018 Your Say, Your Way initiative, residents identified a need to learn more about Saanich’s strategic and financial planning processes. Saanich learned that residents want information that is easy to understand and access. In the first phase of the campaign, Saanich will provide learning opportunities about these processes. 

“We heard from residents that they want to participate in our processes, but they need more information before they can contribute,” said Mayor Fred Haynes. “We want to improve our engagement with citizens by developing easy to understand information and more accessible, multi-channel opportunities to participate in decision making about the strategic and financial plans.” 

Shaping Saanich resources 

The first set of informational material is now available at The resources include: 


The first opportunity to participate and provide feedback to Council is coming soon with Saanich’s citizen and business surveys. 

Learn more

The first Shaping Saanich resources are available at More information will be added in the coming months so please check back, follow Saanich on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up for our news RSS feed

Please contact and with questions or feedback. 



Media contacts:

Valla Tinney, Director of Finance
250-475-1775 ext. 5521 

Laura Ciarniello, Director of Corporate Services
250-475-5494 ext. 3531