Renting off campus
Are you living off campus in Saanich?

Check out how to navigate these common issues to help make life a little easier!
We want to provide students living in the community with information on a range of common Saanich bylaw enforcement issues from parties to parking.
The key to living off campus is to ensure that your behaviour fits in with the community standard. The enforcement of bylaws in Saanich is a complaint-driven process, meaning we only investigate if a complaint is received. If Bylaw Enforcement receives a call about an offence then we’ll attend the property to address the issue. No calls, no worries.
Common questions
How many people are allowed per home?
Any number of people who are related can live in a single-family home, but only six unrelated people can live in a house in Saanich.
What if I rent an illegal suite?
If the suite is found to be illegal then the owner will be given the option to legalize it. Since illegal suites can’t stay occupied, you may need to move if the owner chooses not to. Call us to check the zoning.
What if the building is starting to fall apart?
Contact your landlord and discuss repairs to correct the issues. If the landlord doesn’t take action, you can register your own complaint with the Bylaw Office.
Look out for potential hazards in the home
If you suspect that there is something that may be unsafe such as poor plumbing, no windows in the bedrooms, etc. then contact our Bylaw Office. We’ll inspect the home for safety items.
Where can I park my vehicle?
Most parking complaints are a result of too many vehicles for the amount of parking on the property. Be aware of your legal parking options before you agree to rent.
Illegal dumping
Dispose of paint or other chemicals responsibly and not down the storm drain, including leaked fluids from your car. Don’t leave old furniture, rocks or other items on the boulevard or street. Find great recycling resources online or with the Capital Regional District.
What about removing snow and ice?
Check your rental agreement to see if you’re responsible for this. If this is the case, keep sidewalks in front of the property clear of snow and ice - obstructed sidewalks are a bylaw offence. Plus, it’s the neighbourly thing to do!
Noise complaints
Noise is one of our most common complaints. Remember that your new neighbourhood is a permanent home to most of your neighbours so consideration is always welcome.
Keeping things tidy
Keep your property in line with the standard for the neighbourhood and stay on top of normal maintenance. Don’t allow garbage or debris to build up and keep sidewalks free of overgrown trees and shrubs.
What about on open air burning?
Before lighting a beach fire, backyard fire, using your wood stove, or burning yard waste, please contact the Saanich Fire Department to make sure it’s allowed and safe.