Accessibility Assessment of 13 District Facilities

Competition Number: RFQ 22-157

Bid Title: Accessibility Assessment of 13 District Facilities

Posted Date: November 28, 2022, 4:15pm

Closing Date: January 19, 2023, 3:00pm

Last Modified: February 9, 2023, 11:15am

Status: Awarded

Awarded: Ratio Architecture Interior Design


Note: This will be the only notice posted to BC Bid concerning this project. All documents/addenda are only available for download/submission on our procurement portal at


 Qualified Suppliers

This RFQ is issued to Suppliers on the Qualified Supplier Roster for Category # 03 – Architectural established by RFSQ 02/21 Professional Consulting Services for the purpose of conducting a second stage selection process pursuant to the Master Framework Agreement.

Only suppliers that were prequalified under RFSQ 02/21 are eligible to respond to this RFQ. Quotations submitted by any supplier that was not prequalified under RFSQ 02/21 will not be considered.

Scope of Work

The District of Saanich seeks to engage a proponent team (the “Consultant”) to complete an accessibility assessment of 13 municipal facilities and develop a priority and planning program across all facilities for related upgrades. The Consultant is expected to identify existing accessibility and inclusion measures and provide detailed reporting, costing of upgrades and a prioritization matrix to rank options.

Closing Date and Time:  January 12, 2023 at 3:00 PM Pacific Time

Contact Information:

Purchasing Services - 
