Saanich welcomes Curby!

May 28, 2024

Information Bulletin
For immediate release 

 Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich is excited to announce the winning name from our Name That Sweeper contest. Welcome, Curby!

At the end of April, Saanich launched the Name that Sweeper contest to ask the public to help name our new mini sweeper. Though it’s tiny, this little sweeper is a valuable part of the public works fleet with a big job to do — it’s the only sweeper that can keep Saanich’s protected bike lanes clear!

Over 250 name submissions were received through our online engagement tool HelloSaanich. Public Works staff then reviewed and selected the top five names for the public to vote on. Over 500 votes were cast!

The top contenders were:

    1. Curby (28% of the votes)
    2. Lightning McClean (22% of the votes)
    3. Sweep Pea (21% of the votes)
    4. Sweepasaurus Rex (15% of the votes)
    5. Sweeping Beauty (14% of the votes)

Thank you to those who submitted suggestions and took part in the final voting. Look for Curby in action on a street near you! 

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