Pear Street Upgrades engagement summary

September 15, 2023

The Saanich Engineering Department is pleased to announce that conceptual plans for the Pear Street Upgrades have been finalized.

An initial public information session was held in April 2023, for directly impacted residents. 12 residents of Pear Street were in attendance. During the meeting, we discussed some key points that we had heard to date which included concerns with:

  • Traffic Speeds
  • Pedestrian safety
  • Neighborhood shortcutting

Important elements of the street we were asked to keep included:

  • On-street parking (where possible)
  • Retention of existing trees

During the online discussion, several expected improvements were brought forward including traffic calming, pedestrian and cycling improvements, safety improvements to intersections, and, a review of a one-way street option.

The one-way street option was determined to be unfavorable due to the contraflow bike lane that would need to be installed on one side of the road resulting in the removal of half the available on-street parking. Another option that was discussed was the potential closure of Pear Street at Shelbourne, which a few of the residents were interested in exploring.

Upon further review of the closure option, there were several factors that precluded this from moving forward into the concept. Saanich would need to maintain access to the business at 3616 Shelbourne Street off Pear Street and would require the creation of two turnaround areas which would require acquiring portions of four different properties.

Saanich also looked at restricting access to Pear Street at Shelbourne Street through right-in and right-out access only. This would also require Saanich to acquire property from two properties to create an adequate median to restrict movements at the intersection. There is also not a broad community desire to close Pear Street, and the closure of Pear Street is not included in the Shelbourne Valley Action Plan. For these reasons, Saanich is not considering vehicular traffic closure or restrictions on Pear Street currently.

Following the April 2023 presentation, Saanich staff carefully considered feedback from residents to date and developed a concept that best fits the needs of both residents and the broader community. This concept was presented at a public open house held in July 2023.

The concept includes the following elements:

Traffic Speeds – The inclusion of 4 speed humps, lowering the traffic speed to 30km/hr and a raised crossing with one-way yield point at Ophir Street. The intent of the additional traffic calming measures and reduction in speed limit is to slow traffic.

Pedestrian Safety – Installation of separated sidewalks on both sides of the road. A better-connected pedestrian network with shorter crossing distances and more route options was identified as part of the Shelbourne Valley Action plan. This concept shows a sidewalk on both sides of the street that fits long term plans for Pear Street.

Neighborhood Shortcutting – The intent of the additional traffic calming, speed reduction, and one way yield point at Ophir Street is to discourage cut through traffic. As part of Shelbourne Phase 3, left-hand turning restrictions will be implemented off Shelbourne Street. Between the hours of 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Retention of On-Street Parking – The concept provided does show a reduction of on-street parking on Pear Street from 54 available parking spaces reduced to 34 parking spaces. A parking study was completed in October 2021, and it was observed that the average weekday maximum spaces occupied on Pear Street was 30 parking spaces. With most of the on-street parking occurring between Ophir Street and Shelbourne Street. The concept shown provides parking restrictions at the intersection of Shelbourne Street, Cedar Hill Road, and Ophir Street. The data shows that even with the restrictions, adequate available parking distributed along the street is still available to keep with capacity.

Retention of existing trees – The project arborist identified 31 existing trees within the municipal right of way along Pear Street. As shown in the concept, 4 trees would require removal and 31 new trees would be planted in the boulevard.

Of the 47 people who attended the July 2023 open house:

  • 30% were residents
  • 70% were roadway users that either walked, cycled, or drove on Pear Street
  • Of the 24 that filled out feedback forms:
    • 96% indicated that they agree improvements are needed on Pear Street
    • 29% thought that sidewalks were not required on both sides of the road
    • 17% did not like the removal of on street parking on the road

Based on feedback from Pear Street and other residents within the Saanich community, we see strong support for the proposed pedestrian improvements and traffic calming measures, such as the speed humps, narrowing of intersections, raised crosswalk and yield point at Ophir Street. Implementation of these traffic calming measures will discourage cut through traffic and slow traffic speeds for all road users. The exact spacing of the speed humps is being reviewed further to maximize their effectiveness. The final concept closely follows the concept presented at the Open house; Saanich is working with the consultant to refine strategic placement of the speed humps. 

Saanich will now move forward with detailed design of the concept. We anticipate the Pear Street improvements will be constructed in conjunction with Phase 3 of the SSIP.  Further details on the SSIP, including schedule can be found at

A summary of the received feedback below:

Total feedback received


How people currently use Pear Street
















What we Heard


The biggest concern on Pear Street?



Lack of Sidewalk




Adequate On Street Parking







What do you like about the concept provided today?







Lower Speed Limit




Traffic Calming







What do you dislike about the concept today?



Sidewalk on both sides of the road




One Way Yield




Removal of some on street parking







Do you have any specific comments to the traffic calming infrastructure shown?



Like Traffic calming elements




Disliked Traffic calming elements



Do you have any specific comments for the sidewalk concept?



Two sidewalks not required




Did not want sidewalks



Request Full closure of Pear or access restrictions



Agree Improvements are needed
