Learn about Diverse Saanich during BC Heritage Week

February 18, 2020

Information bulletin

For immediate release

Learn about Diverse Saanich during BC Heritage Week

Saanich, BC – This BC Heritage Week, Saanich Archives will celebrate the community’s rich multicultural heritage with the Diverse Saanich exhibit.

This year, BC Heritage Week runs February 17 to 23 and focuses on the theme “Bringing the Past into the Future”. A national initiative organized at the provincial level by Heritage BC, Heritage Week encourages everyone to visit the many unique places and spaces in our communities and share experiences with the world.

Diversity existed on the Saanich Peninsula since long before the first Europeans arrived. For nearly 200 years, immigrants from across the world have chosen to make this area their home. The exhibit includes information and images relating to local First Nations, as well as later arrivals to the Saanich Peninsula such as Black, French, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese and Sikh immigrants.

Diverse Saanich is on display in the hallway cubes at the Cedar Hill Recreation Centre until February 27. The centre is open 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Learn more about Saanich Archives at saanich.ca/archives.


Media contact:
Evelyn Wolfe
Archives Supervisor
250-475-5494 ext. 3477