Saanich’s Elk Lake Drive fire station to be redeveloped

Media release

For immediate release

May 28, 2019

Saanich’s Elk Lake Drive fire station to be redeveloped

Saanich, BC – Saanich Council kicks off the first project under the Facilities Master Plan through approval of $26 million for the redevelopment of fire station #2, located on Elk Lake Drive. This multi-stage project is the first under Saanich’s facilities framework, which was approved by Council in April 2018.

“The population in Saanich has increased by thirty-six per cent since the original fire station on Elk Lake Drive was built in 1978,” said Mayor Fred Haynes. “Redeveloping this facility reflects the ongoing commitment of Council and the Saanich Fire Department to providing high quality service and ensuring public safety, both now and in the future. Council appreciates the public input received which helped guide this important redevelopment of an essential public safety facility.”

As part of the development of the Strategic Facilities Master Plan, an extensive capacity analysis of the Saanich Fire Department was completed. Fire station #2 has been identified as a priority due to increased service needs and the requirement to appropriately house fire apparatus.                                              

Over the next number of months, Saanich staff will be working through the development permit process. This project will follow Saanich’s regular development permit process and must meet all necessary documentation, as well as include a public hearing processes.

Facilities Master Plan

Saanich Council adopted the Strategic Facilities Master Plan in April 2018. The framework guides how Saanich will invest and manage facilities through maintenance, life cycle replacement, renovation and redevelopment.

The plan looks at the strategic management of the District's publicly owned assets over the next twenty years with the goal of maintaining and improving services that residents rely on. The plan takes into account the District's anticipated population first and demographic growth trends along with changes in services, standards and practices, building codes and the wear-and-tear that the facilities experience on a daily basis.

Quick facts

  • Public engagement has been a large component of this process – both throughout the development of the Strategic Facilities Master Plan and during the development of the business case for fire station #2.
  • This facility will be constructed to LEED Gold level and Step Code Level 3 Commercial.
  • The District has been transferring funds into the Facilities Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund since 2014 in anticipation of this major project.
  • Construction is expected to start in 2021 and final completion is estimated for 2023.

Learn more

For more information about the Facilities Master Plan, please visit:




Media contacts:

Saanich Communications

250-475-5494 ext. 3488