Wilkinson Bridge open to the public on February 24

February 23, 2017

News Release
For Immediate Release


Saanich, BC – Saanich is pleased to announce that the Wilkinson Bridge will re-open to the public on February 24 at 2 p.m.  

“The Wilkinson Bridge Replacement and Colquitz Trail Extension Project replaces a critical piece of transportation infrastructure, while providing new bike lanes, sidewalks, trails and upgrades to utility services,” said Harley Machielse, Director of Engineering. “Opening the bridge to the public is a major milestone for this project and we appreciate the public’s cooperation throughout the construction process.”

Over the coming weeks, final landscaping, planting and some minor tasks will be completed. Impact to the public is expected to be minimal; however, the public is asked to be aware of crews and flaggers as they begin to use the new bridge. Periodic traffic delays may be possible.


Quick Facts

  • The total budget for the Wilkinson Bridge and Colquitz Trail Project is $6.5 million.
  • The original bridge was installed in 1935.
  • Bridge construction was completed from June 2016 to February 2017.The new bridge is 15 m long and 14.6 m wide.
  • Construction was completed by a Saanich-based contractor, Don Mann Excavating Ltd. and Jacob Brothers Construction.  415 m3 of concrete was used to build the new bridge.
  • New sidewalks were installed on both sides of Wilkinson Road and Lindsay Street. 340 meters of new on-road bike lanes were also installed.
  • All street lights were replaced with energy-efficient LED lighting.
  • The extended Colquitz River Trail will be 465 meters long. Streamside enhancements will also be made.


Learn More

Learn more about the Wilkinson Bridge and Colquitz River Trail Project here: http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/local-government/departments/engineering-department/current-projects/wilkinson-bridge-colquitz-river-trail.html


Media Contacts

Saanich Communications
250-475-5494 ext. 3444