Engineering Consulting Services for Retaining Walls Condition Assessment

Competition Number: RFQ 23-102

Bid Title: Engineering Consulting Services for Retaining Walls Condition Assessment

Posted Date: August 16, 2023, 9:00am

Closing Date: September 14, 2023, 3:00pm

Last Modified: November 22, 2023, 8:52am

Status: Awarded

Awarded: McElhanney Ltd


Note: This will be the only notice posted to BC Bid concerning this project. All documents/addenda are only available for download/submission on Saanich Procurement Portal

 Your submission must be uploaded, submitted, and finalized prior to the Closing Date and Time. We strongly recommend that you give yourself sufficient time and at least ONE (1) day before Closing Time to begin the uploading process and to finalize your submission.

This Request for Quotations is an invitation by the Corporation of the District of Saanich to prospective respondents to submit non-binding quotations for RFQ 23-102 – Engineering Consulting Services for a Retaining Walls Condition Assessment as further described in the RFQ.

The District is seeking to select an experienced consultant/consulting team to produce an asset register; gather structural attributes and location; complete a visual condition assessment of the District’s retaining walls; and make recommendations based on multi-variable condition and risk assessment criteria for remediation, maintenance, and overall funding strategies to keep them in a serviceable condition over time.

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